A good day starts with a healthy and stress-free morning. Setting and following a [...]
Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself against pathogens (disease-causing [...]
Dehydration is a condition caused by loss of excess fluid from the body. This happens [...]
Sugar is a type of simple carbohydrate found naturally in dairy products, vegetables [...]
Dietary fiber is an important nutrient of a healthy diet. It is described as plant c [...]
Minerals with an electrical charge are called electrolytes. They have a significant impact on the [...]
In response to bodyweight looming large as a world health issue, Bariatrics [...]
Posture is the position in which you keep your body while standing, sitting, or lying down. [...]
Wonder how they maintain that enviable body at the party or the pool? What if we told you [...]
Fasting has been around for centuries. It is said to be an ancient practice that was more concerned with[...,]
Unless you are figure or health-conscious or a fitness freak, you will inadvertently smirk at the idea of [...,]
Cardio is the short-form of cardiovascular and among the [...]
The whole world has changed in the last one year and we are [...]
The most common problem while trying to lose weight is that you [...]
Have you felt muscle soreness or pain in your calves, thighs, glutes,[...]
Flaunt your washboard abs at a beach or a pool. This explosive ab workout [...]
Increasing consciousness on fitness, healthy eating and weight loss, [...]
Fitness should be part of everybody’s lifestyle.Exercising is not just [...]
Staying fit and frisky is a great way to cope with the [...]
There are several factors that determine the protein requirement [...]
The life of an athlete is intense, demanding and disciplined. [...]
The word sugar means different things to different people. [...]
How many of us are in the habit of holding up a product [...]
Athletic performance is the result of well-built muscle, which in [...]
Fitness is not what it used to be a few decades ago. [...]
Let’s face it. Not all of us are fond of exercising. We can be [...]
Running is an athlete’s forte and fancy. For the common man, [...]
In summer, our body loses water very quickly. Replenishment of this [...]
The FSSAI logo is to ensure that consumers can easily identify [...]
The relationship between the mind and body is more powerful than most [...]